TimeAero —
user manual
Sign into the system
On the sign page you can:
1. Sign up
2. Sign in if already signed up
3. Request a password reset
4. Change the language. The page is available in two languages: Russian and English. You can switch the language using the corresponding element in the lower right corner
Click the "Sign Up" button to start sign up process
Enter the corporate email address in the form that opens in the "Login" field and click "Next"
Next, please specify the password that will be used for sign in the "Password" field. Click the "Sign Up" button
After clicking on the "Sing up" button, a message will appear with instructions on further actions to complete the registration process. You need to log in to the mailbox you specified, find the email from Aeroclub Time Support and follow the link in the body of the email body. If there is no email, check the "Spam". If it didn't help, then contact us
Registration process
To sign in, click the "Sign In" button. A form for entering login and password will pop up
Enter the address of your corporate email address that was specified during sign up process in the "Login" field. Click the "Next" button
Enter the password and click "Sign In"
When you sign into Time for the first time, slides with hints and information about new platform functionality will be shown to you
Sign in process
To request the password reset, click "Forgot password?"
Specify your corporate email address used for sign up in the form that pops up and click "Recover"
After that the password reset email with further instructions will be sent to your corporate email address. Please log into your mailbox, find the corresponding email and follow the link in it to complete the password reset process. If there is no email, check the "Junk folders". If it didn't help, then contact us
Password reset process
In the window that opens, in the appropriate field, enter a new password and click "Complete". After that, you will be automatically redirected to the Desktop. Let's get started!
User Profile
When you log in for the first time, you need to check and fill in your user profile in the "Company" section. The user's personal profile is divided into several thematic sections, each of which contains blocks corresponding to the topic
To enter and/or edit personal information, click on the icon with the pencil image and enter the information
Add an email address and phone number. We recommend to enter the number of mobile phone in each profile, as it may be required by suppliers during purchasing process. It will not be possible to arrange some type of services in case of absence of mobile phone number in the traveler's profile. You can edit, unlock and/or delete e-mail and phone number using an appropriate icon on the right
Personal information
  • Profile data completeness
  • Personal information
  • Contact details
  • Preferences
Fill in the Preferences section. At the initial stage, we use the section to accumulate information. Next, the preferred option will placed to the top of the results, in consideration of the corporate rules and travel policy of the company. You can edit or delete the preferences using an appropriate icon on the right
To change the company in the profile use the drop-down list and select the company you need. It is possible to change the company if there is a block of custom properties for the new company already filled in the profile. It is possible to delete/restore the profile using an appropriate button. Additional permissions required to change the company in profile
Add the location of the profile owner using the button with the Pencil icon. The provided location used for searching options and creating a business trip
Corporate information
  • Relation to the company
  • Location
  • Custom properties
  • Date of employment
  • Editing roles
It is possible to change the customer properties if needed. Additional permissions required to change the customer properties. The user who does not have additional permissions may send request to change customer properties. To send the request the user need to put the correct values in the provided form
To enter the passport data: click the Add button to open the form; select the citizenship (as in the passport); select the passport type and fill in the required fields. You can edit or delete the passport data using an appropriate icon
To add the additional files to the passport (this option paid and installed separately), click the Paperclip icon and then click the "Select file" button or "drag" the file to a specially marked area
  • Identity documents
  • Visas
  • Other documents and files
Add visas data: click the Add button and enter the necessary data
To upload files to the shared file storage (this option paid and installed separately), click the Select File button or "drag" the file to a specially marked area. To download or to delete the downloaded file, click the "***" element on the thumbnail of the downloaded file and select the necessary action from the list
Click the appropriate button to change the password. Once the button used the e-mail notification with a link to change the password will be sent. It is not possible to edit the value of the Login field
Choose a convenient time zone, interface language (Russian / English), currency
  • Entrance to the system
  • Settings
  • Notification Management
  • Buttons to control access to Time
Set the settings of e-mail notifications. It is necessary to enable HTML notifications, additional notifications. Other settings are optional
Access control buttons in Time are available to users with the appropriate rights
These blocks, except the buttons to control access to Time, available only for the owner of the profile. These blocks are not available for other users viewing the profile of another traveller
The expired SOF can not be used. The special remarks will be added to the SOF which expired
To upload a new card, click Add and enter your bank card details
Fill out the form to add Signature On File (SOF) details for the bank card. Once the data saved, a notification will be sent to the mail of the service group to verify the data of the added card. During the verification procedure, the SOF has status "Verification"; once the verification procedure passed the status changed to "expiration date"
Payment information
  • Available forms of payment
  • Bank cards
To view, edit, lock/unlock or delete a bank card, click an appropriate bottom. It is possible to block / unblock the bank card if the special feature enable to the company and user has an appropriate permission
The list of forms of payment configured for the profile owner`s company is available in the section Available forms of payment. It is not possible to change the list of forms of payment in this section. This section is a plug-in option and available depending on the company settings.
It is possible to view, add and delete the information about bank cards in the Bank cards section. Only the owner of the profile can view, add, change bank cards in this section. There is an exception which could be set to concrete company.
To upload a new bonus card, click the Add button and enter the required data. The added cards will be arranged as a list in the block
To change the card data or delete it, click on the appropriate button on the right (Pencil or Basket)
Bonus cards
The section is available if the appropriate option enabled for the user's company
There is a list of profiles which the user has access to is availabel In the "Employees" section

The function of the list of profiles
There are the following data in the list of employees:
  • last name, first name, patronymic name of the employee,
  • e-mail address specified in the profile (the first one in the list is indicated),
  • phone number specified in the profile,
  • the list of custom properties in the profile (by default, the list is hidden; to open/ hide it, you need to click the "Custom properties" button with a pointer; you can also open / hide the custom properties of all profiles),
  • an indication of the absence of custom properties and /or relevant documents in the profile. It is possible to view the description of the absence of data once you clock the indicator,
  • there are elements to manage the list at the bottom of the page:
1. number of profiles per page: 25, 500, 100, all (by default, "Display by 25"),
2. switching between pages and going to a specific page with its number.
How to view profile lists for a specific company
Select a company from the list. The system will automatically display a list of employees for it
How to find a specific employee profile
1. Enter the surname / first name / last name and the name of the employee In the "Search" field
2. Click on the button with a magnifying glass to start the search
3. The list will display the appropriate profile(s)/profiles (if more than one profile meets the search query criteria)
    How to create a new profile
    The profile creation is available only for users with the appropriate rights.

    1. Click on the "+ Add" button, which is located in the "Employees" section in the upper right part of the page
    2. Select the company to which the new profile will belong in the profile creation form. The list will consist of the companies included at the same holding as the company of the profile creator
    3. Add the personal data. If you need to change the company before complete the profile creation you can do it at this step
    Trusted access
    • Grant access
    • Proposal to obtain trusted access
    • On authorization
    • Trusted access granted
    How to grant access to a profile
    1. Go to the "Grant access" section.
    2. Put the e-mail address of the user you want to grant trusted access to the field for entering the e-mail address.
    3. Click the "Submit" button.
    4. A notification will be sent to the specified address with an offer to get confidential access to another profile.
    5. New request waiting for processing from the user who has been granted with trusted access will appear in the "On authorization" section.
    The offer for trust access
    In the specified section displays a list of current offers of trust access.

    The user can accept the offer. Once the offer accepted, the user can see the personal profile to which access has been granted, as well as orders / business trips created by the user who granted access to his profile. After the offer accepted, the proposition disappears from the list of offers.

    The user may refuse to accept proposition to get access. After the offer declined, the proposition disappears from the list of offers.
      On authorization
      There are a list of proposals which are not processed yet provided in this section.

      It is possible to revoke the proposed access using the "Revoke" button.
      Access granted
      There is a list of the users who were previously granted trusted access locate in this section.

      Click the "Revoke" button will cancel the trusted access granted before.
      This section contains functionality that allows you to assign deputies to process authorization requests
      How to create a new reassignment
      1. Click on the "+ Add" button.
      2. Fill in the profile details of the replacement employee. The created reassignment will appear in the general list of reassignment.

      The presence of the specified e-mail is checking in the personal profiles during creation of the reassignment. If the specified e-mail is not found in any of the profiles then the system will show the message saying that the e-mail was not found.
        How to remove reassignments
        1. Go to the reassignment list.
        2. Click on the button with the basket.
        Travel arrangers
        This section contains functionality that allows you to create and manage created Travel arranger(s) - Employee(s) connections.
        In the list of connections, the user sees:
        • the full name of the travel arranger(s) present in the connection,
        • the number of employees in the connection,
        • the names and surnames of employees in the connection (available for viewing when viewing the details of the connection; to view it, click on the "plate" of the connection),
        • elements for connection administration: a button with a pencil for editing, a button with an urn for deleting a connection.
        How to search for travel arranger – employee connections
        1. Select the necessary company from the list.
        2. Specify the last name / first name / last name and the name of the employee whose connection you want to find in the "Search" field.
        3. Click on the magnifying glass button to start the search. Once the search completed there will remain links where a profile with a certain last name and first name is specified as an travel arranger or employee.
        How to create a new travel arranger – employee relationship
        1. Click on the "+ Add" button.
        2. Click the "+ Add" button in "Travel Arrangers for group of employees" or "Group of employees" section depending on who you want to add.
        3. Enter the user's last name and first name.
        4. If the selected travel arranger or employee needs to be removed from the connection click the cross to the right of the user's full name.
        How to change / delete the created connections
        To change the created connection click the Pencil and change the list of participants (employees or travel arrangers).
        Click the Trash button to delete connection.
        Creating a business trip
        The key rule of the system: TimeAero – the online system that offers possible options and the user makes a choice for his business trip, based on the requirements of the procedure for organizing business trips
        Signs in the system
        The selected service corresponds to the travel policy
        Preferred hotels
        Attention: When choosing a hotel, it is indicated that this site meets the requirements. The choice of the hotel and the type of accommodation (standard) should be carried out in accordance with the procedure for business trips
        Special corporate tariff
        Recommended hotel
        The selected service doesn't comply with the travel policy
        Baggage Information
        Allowed to carry 30 kg of luggage
        Allowed to carry 1 bag of luggage, weighing no more than 20 kg
        Baggage is possible only for an additional fee (it is necessary to check with your travel councillor)
        Fare rules:
        Rules for exchange before departure
        Rules for refund before departure
        Type of railway ticket:
        Electronic registration is possible
        Getting a ticket at the Russian Railways ticket office
        Please go to the "Business trips" section and click "New trip" to make a new business trip
        Enter the destinations /departures and the dates of the start and end of the business trip and click "Next"
        Enter and/or check the available information according to the organization structure and click "Complete the creation of the business trip". The set and values of additional data may vary depending on the company settings
        Adding services to a business trip
        When the business trip template is created and the application is assigned a unique number in the format No. 123456/123456, it is necessary to add services to the business trip
        Click the "Add services" to find the options for the business trip. The system will take you to the "Services" section, where you can find the necessary options.
        Search and purchase of air ticket
        Select the departure and/or arrival time and click the "Search" button.
        The system will offer you the best options: within the travel policy, by travel time, by individual tickets, etc. Use the "Click to get more options" button if you want to see all the options.
        You can sort the search results by: airport, departure / arrival time, direct flight / transfer, booking class, airline operating the flight; you can specify the flight number; and also select the fare conditions: options with paid baggage; options where refund and changes are possible.

        You can check the cost. The price may be lower if you book a trip with separate tickets.

        If you have not found any flight route in the system, you need to contact the agent in a chat, by mail or by phone.
        ATTENTION: The search for services online is configured according to the Company's Travel Policy
        Please note:
        The selected flight option corresponds to the travel policy

        This airfare option does not comply with the travel policy
        Once the needed flight option selected click on the "Basket" icon. This option will be added to your "Trip" and will appear on the left in the "Trip no...." section.
        Search and purchase of rail ticket
        Select the date of the trip (if it is not specified automatically).
        Select the direction and departure time and click "Search".
        You can use a filter with an advanced search for railway tickets.
        *Clients of TOO Aeroclub (Kazakhstan) can order railway tickets by contacting the agent.
        Choose a train and a carriage. Click the "Shopping Cart".

        ! Please note that at this step we do not issue railway tickets, we only collect services for our business trip.
        Click the "Start registration" button in the business trip to start the process of booking and purchase
        Select your passport, check the box agreeing to the terms of the tariff and travel policy and click "Next". The functionality will be activated, allowing you to choose a seat in the car and book it before authorization
        Select the desired seat in the carriage and click "Book". There will be a transition to the screen of the service booking wizard
        Click "Next" to go to the authorization request screen
        It is possible to choose automatic registration of services after authorization at this stage. If you have selected this option and the previously selected seat would be available after authorization the service will be processed automatically
        After successful authorization, if automatic registration is selected, the service receives the appropriate status, an electronic ticket is attached to it
        The purchasing process interrupts if the previously selected seat becomes unavailable during authorization (the time limit of the reservation expired and the seat released and could be purchased for another passenger)

        The "Continue (Not issued)" button appears in a business trip. You can use this button to continue search the available options and repeat the process of purchase of the service
        Search and perform hotel Reservation

        Put the dates of the trip and the city (if not prepopulated automatically)
        To book a room you need: mark the name of the booking method; choose the option; add option to your trip

        Priority hotels are marked with the icon
        Tariff without breakfast
        Breakfast is not included, it is possible to order for an additional payment
        Breakfast is included in the room rate
        Search and book a Transfer

        Specify the dates and time of the transfer, the city of the transfer, the route

        Important: the address must be selected from the list!
        Next, click search
        To arrange a transfer, you need to select the required car class and add a transfer to a business trip by clicking on the basket
        Managing trip details
        You need to click the "Execute trip" button to purchase the services that were added to the cart and click the "Start execution the trip" button
        You need to check if the data correct in the selected service. Then confirm the choice of the document and confirm your familiarization with the fare rules

        To proceed with the purchase, click "Next"
        You need to fill in the information on the time of car pickup, departure time, provide the passenger's contact phone number to arrange the transfer

        To proceed with the purchase, click "Next"
        You need to advice the reasons for your choice if the minimum fare was not selected during booking the ticket and the accommodation which is not at the recommended hotel

        To proceed with the purchase, click "Next"
        The business trip will be sent for authorization at the next stage

        1-2-step authorization, parallel or sequential, can be configured online, it is also possible to configure authorization of the fact of the trip
        Once the authorization received you will be able to continue processing the service by clicking on the "Continue (not completed)" button if the option "Automatically issue a service after successful authorization" was not used

        If you have added another service after authorization click "Add business trip" to issue it and the added service will also be sent for authorization
        You need to go to the services and click "Issue a service" to issue a railway ticket after authorization of a business trip.
        *Clients of TOO Aeroclub (Kazakhstan) can order railway tickets by contacting the agent.
        Then you need to choose a seat in the car, book and issue a service.
        The purchased service will be reflected in the business trip with the appropriate status

        Possible statuses of services in a business trip after sending a business trip for authorization
        If the booking failed during the ticket registration process, the service is transferred to the agent for processing. The agent will check the reason, the possibility of creating a reservation, process the request, and return to you with a solution to the issue
        The status "Instant purchase" in the service indicates that the service requires immediate issue, because the ticket is booked for a very short period (within a few minutes)
        After the services are issued, you will receive appropriate notifications by e-mail, in which e-ticket receipts, vouchers will be attached and a link to the business trip will be indicated
        Using the link, you will be able to check the updated status of the service, also get acquainted with ticket receipts and, if necessary, perform actions with the service
        Changing business trip dates
        You need to request authorization if you need to change the dates of a business trip
        You need to specify new business trip dates and click "Next" in the following window
        The business trip will be sent for authorization

        Once the a positive decision on authorization received it is necessary to contact the agent for a change in business trip services
        Changing services on a business trip
        If you need to make changes to the services provided, then you need to request changes using the "Actions with the service" button
        In the window that opens, you need to specify what exactly needs to be changed. The message will go to the agent, the agent will check the exchange/refund options, penalties and will return to you with the cost of the surcharge. After the authorizing authorities confirm the changes, the services will be changed. All communication is conducted through correspondence with the agent in the order
        Cancellation of a business trip
        If you need to cancel a business trip, you need to click the "Cancel" button
        In the dialog box, you must specify the services that you want to cancel, confirm your consent to cancel the business trip and click the "Confirm" button

        The request to cancel the business trip will be processed by the agent. After removing the services, the business trip will have the status "Canceled"
        Additional options
        It is possible to create business trips for several employees of the company at once. To do this employees need to grant each other trusted access
        The employee get trusted access receives a corresponding notification by e-mail and get an access to the profile
        When you make a business trip for several employees it is necessary to find and add travellers using the "Add traveler" button. Each business trip should be authorized separately if the authorization needed.
        The system will offer to add a similar service option for colleagues. The same algorithm for making a business trip (as when making a trip for one employee) can be used then.
        It is necessary to use the search option for a double room when searching for services to arrange double accommodation
        In the "Business Trips" section, you can see already created business trips, archived business trips, business trips that are being processed, and services waiting for your authorization (if you are the authorizing person)

        In order to delete a business trip (a draft that has not yet been sent for authorization), you need to click on the cross that is located next to the name of the legal entity
        Authorization of a business trip
        You can authorize a business trip from an authorization request letter sent to the authorizing email
        The To complete the authorization request click "Authorize" or "Reject"
        Or you can proceed the request on the authorization page in the Timezero online system
        You need to click on the business trip number
        And then make a decision using the "Authorize" or "Reject" button
        Did not find the answer to the question or the problem you encountered is not described, please contact support Time.aero directly in the system. We will definitely help.

        Your Aeroсlub
        Aeroclub group of companies website: